“The New” v. “The Old”




      In “Sprawl Is Harmful to Wildlife”, Terris explains how “the old”, which refers to the existing wildlife in the country, and “the new”, which refers to the development of cities and neighborhoods, are not coexisting. Human development and expansion is beginning to alter the natural wildlife in the United States. Buildings, interstates, and houses are beginning to replace trees, rivers, and nests. Our wildlife, may it be animals or land, is slowly disappearing with each urban addition. Many people like to argue both sides of an argument, however, it does not seem to be a positive side to this argument. Human development is harming the wildlife that has thrived for decades. However, there are other existing aspects of human race that are being positively impacted by human development. Aspects such as technology, the arts, sports, education and science are all benefiting tremendously from human development. Technology has increased at such a rapid pace that it is hard to put a cap on what has transpired in just the last decade alone. We now have so many versions of technology. Ten years ago we had television sets that had VCRs in them, whereas we now have 3D television sets. This is just a minute example of how quickly technology has advanced. The arts have rapidly developed into a multi-level industry that has gripped the nation. Artistic expression was not as popular in the past as it is today. Today, artistic talent is held at such a high regard, its almost frowned upon if you do not possess some sort of artistic talent. Education and science have thrived together. We have made numerous scientific advances due to the increase in quality education. In summation, while human development comes at a price, it should not be frowned upon as a whole, for it has brought about many beneficial advances that have made everyday life not only simpler, but more enjoyable. 

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